Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up.

Ok, so my weekend involved this:

 a little of this:

  and, a whole lot of this:

 oh, and this:

I volunteered to score the local high school mock trial competition on Saturday morning.  It was awesome! I was so impressed with the level of skill and dedication that these high schoolers had - I do not think I could have competed on a mock trial team when I was in high school.  

After I was done "judging" (ha ha), I went to the Pirates v. Red Sox game with mom and JWP.  The firm has "box" tickets right behind home base. Normally when you think of "box seats," you think of shaded private rooms with food and drink, but, this was not the case.  Instead the "box seats" were second row, right behind home base.  Now, I'm not complaining, because the seats were's just that it was a tad warm outside and so, we only lasted about an hour and a half :) 

Saturday night I had a girls slumber party complete with chinese food and LOTS of crafting...I mean, check out that crafting table!!! I made a rosette necklace (will show off in a later post), made a rhinestone dove, and made a ton of little rosettes for a later project.  I had so much fun with H and KJ, and Lane (he was the only boy allowed at the girls slumber party)...well, except for JWP.  

Sunday day we had brunch with JWP's family and then hung out with the Edwards clan and sipped on some champagne.

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend! Busy, but fabulous.....on the agenda this weekend is a 5K run on Friday and a charity event for the Honor Animal Rescue (Ponies for Pups)....then, I think the calendar is clear for a couple of weeks :)

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