Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bridesmaid Weekend Take One.

On Saturday I was lucky enough to have all of my bridesmaids together (Britt even flew down from NJ) for some serious girl time.  We started off at David's Bridal so that the girls could try on the bridesmaid dress and get them ordered.  Then, we went to Kelly's house for a fabulous lunch that she hosted.  After that, we came back to Btown and stopped at The D, and ended the night at my house.  Oh, what a day! I love my girls so much and I am so fortunate to have them all in my life.  Here are a couple of pics from this weekend.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 7 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

I was born on November 25th and I'm a Sagittarius.  I googled "sagittarius woman" and found this description:

"The Sagittarius woman is vivacious, funny, self assured, and sophisticated. She probably had an opportunity to travel as a child, and will need to continue to do so throughout her life. She's a woman who needs challenge and intellectual stimulation in all parts of her life. Sag women are often highly successful at what they set out to do simply because they are so positive they will succeed. Since the sign also rules international communication, they are either known worldwide or deal with matters of global importance. This is not an overly-sensitive sign, and when criticized, they listen carefully to the feedback. She should be careful not to hurt her mate's feelings by being too direct in her comments; Sag often has no idea of how her words effect others. Her man should also be sure to allow her a sense of freedom which is highly important to the Sag woman."

Some of this description is accurate, other parts, not so much. I would like to think of myself as vivacious, funny, and sophisticated - I wouldn't describe myself as "self assured," but, I'm trying to work on that.  I did travel when I was younger and I do like to travel ... mostly to NYC, ha! I would agree that I am someone that needs a challenge and intellectual stimulation.  I would say that I am typically successful at what I set out to do; however, it's not so much because I'm positive that I will succeed (because then I would be self assured) - but, more so because I don't like to fail at anything.  I am a sensitive person and I think that I can be overly-sensitive at times, but, it is true that I do listen carefully to criticism.  I wouldn't describe myself as being someone that is direct with my comments, although I do have my moments.  I tend to beat around the bush and because I try to avoid conflict, I typically will hold back on making comments.  But, I will say that recently I've realized that I need to speak up more and I do need to be more direct with my comments because I tend to get my feelings hurt or taken advantage of, and, I'm tired of it! Finally, yes, I do love my freedom - I love and cherish my alone time and I think that it's something that every person should make a point of having. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! This weekend is a girls' weekend for me and I am excited :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I want. I need.

So, within the next couple of months, I know that I will have some wedding showers to attend and because our wedding will be a nautical themed wedding, I need to purchase these cute little items from Express, asap:

So cute, right?

Day 6 - 30 interesting facts about me!

  1. I'm an only child.
  2. I love to read.
  3. I have a blanket that I have to sleep with every night.
  4. I only sleep under the comforter, no sheets for me!
  5. I have 2 cats.
  6. We have a goldfish pond at our house.
  7. I love the smell of sharpies.
  8. I have a pen addiction.
  9. I'm getting married on 11.03.12.
  10. I wanted to be a speech pathologist before deciding on law school.
  11. I'm a hoarder of wine corks...seriously!
  12. I have a craft room in our house.
  13. I hate putting away clothes, but, I love shopping for them.
  14. I love spicy food.
  15. I want to make my craftiness (is that even a word?) into a business.
  16. I'm obsessed with looking at blogs (I have about 25 that I go on daily).
  17. I love dresses.
  18. I can't stand when people whistle - like fingernails on a chalkboard.
  19. I love sandals and I wish I could wear them year round (yes, it does get cold here in Florida).
  20. I love turquoise.
  21. I love bbq, collard greens, and cornbread.
  22. I am obsessed with buying christmas decorations.
  23. I can't walk around the house barefoot.
  24. I hate blowdrying my hair.
  25. I can do my make up in five minutes.
  26. I wash my hair like twice a week.
  27. I am lacking the patience department.
  28. I love making lists...and I love checking items off those lists.
  29. I am an avid online shopper.
  30. I love reality tv shows.
Ok, there you go friends, 30 interesting facts about it took a long time to think up all 30.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 5 of the Blog Challenge.

Today's topic is "a time you thought about ending your own life." Wow, heavy subject! I've never had a time when things were so bad, or that I felt so hopeless, that I thought that taking my own life was the answer.  It is so hard for me to fathom feeling so hopeless that you think suicide is the answer.  I had a friend that committed suicide when I was in high school - we met in elementary school and also went to middle school together.  By the end of middle school, we didn't really hang out that much because we were in 2 completely "social circles" and truthfully, I didn't like the person that he had become.  We went to different high schools and I actually saw him the day that he committed suicide.  He was in my high school parking lot when I got out and I remember thinking that I just wanted to get home and didn't really feel like walking over and saying hi to him.  I've always felt so bad about my decision that day, I guess I think that maybe if I would have gone over to him, maybe I would have known, or maybe I would have been able to help him. Suicide just doesn't affect the person, it affects that person's family and friends.  His sister found him and I'm sure that there is not a day that goes by in her life that she doesn't think of that day.  I think what I have taken from this experience is twofold: (1) always tell the people that you care about that you love them and (2) be nice to others because you never truly know what that person is going through - it doesn't cost anything to smile at someone!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Days 3 and 4 of the challenge.

Day 3 topic: "your views on drugs and alcohol."

I've known a lot of people in  my life who have passed away as a result of a drug overdose. So, I have seen first hand what a drug addiction does to a person if they are never able to kick the addiction.  Our country is obviously facing a huge problem with prescription pill addiction and the so-called "clinics" and "pill doctors" that are at the root of the problem.. Fortunately, the people of Florida have recognized the problem and legislation has passed and laws have been passed in an attempt to crack down on these places and doctors - but, there is so much more to do.  Drugs in our society are a huge problem and although I do not believe there will ever come a time where the problem does not exist - I think that more can be done to save lives.  

With regards to alcohol, my view is that alcohol is fine in moderation.  Most of us have had those crazy nights where we probably didn't drink in moderation, but, so long as those are isolated events and not the norm, I do not feel that alcohol is a problem.

Day 4 topic: "your views on religion."

My view on religion is simple: everyone celebrates spirituality in different ways. No one person's way of being spiritual is better than that of someone else.  We shouldn't judge another person's spirituality.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Where I would like to be in 10 years.

Day 2 of challenge.  Today's topic: "where I would like to be in 10 years."

In 10 years I will be ... old (I shutter just to think about it).  Hmm... I would like to have a family (1-2 kids),  married to JWP, and content in my career.  My current struggle is being content with my career - I enjoy being an attorney, I enjoy working in an office setting, and I enjoy the variety of work; however, I wish I got more "soul satisfaction" out of what I do. I wrote about this in a previous post-that my role as an attorney does not always fulfill my soul.   

I would like to be able to look back in 10 years and be happy in all that I've accomplished and feel that in no matter how small of a way, I've made a difference in the world.

I would love to have a little marisa and/or a little jwp and to be living life to the fullest and continuing to celebrate this beautiful life that I have been given.

Happy Friday, peeps!

Oh, and just in case you were curious as to what our kid(s) would look like, according to the baby morpher, they would look a lil' something like this:


Thursday, February 16, 2012

30 day blogging/writing challenge.

I've decided to mix things up a bit and participate in the 30 day blogging/writing challenge - 30 topics/30 days.  Sometimes it's hard to think of things to write this is a great way for me to diversify my blog! Basically I will blog about 30 different topics that are given to me for 30 days. 

So, today's topic is: "Your current relationship."  Ha! Well, I"m sure you all already know this given all of my wedding talk these days, but, I am engaged to JWP.  JWP and I started dating in June 2010, we were engaged in October 2011, and we will be married in November 2012, it may seem fast to some of you all, but, all I can say is that "when you know, you know." It was very natural to love JWP and to imagine my life with him - in the past there were times when I felt like I had to be someone else, or downplay my faults, with JWP, I am who I am and he loves it! (well, probably not all the time) - but the point is I can be myself around him.  He has taken me and loves me for who I am, good and bad.  Yes, we may argue or disagree, or snap at one another, but it is always very short lived and we try not to go to bed upset with one another.  I look at JWP and my heart feels so full to know that I have found "the one" to spend the rest of my life with.  I tear up when I think about walking down the aisle and becoming his wife.  He makes me laugh everyday and I look forward to having him by my side to face life's challenges.  I smile when I think of raising a family with him because I know he is going to be such an amazing dad.  I have so very much to be thankful for - our future is bright!

I believe this picture is a perfect example of why our relationship works - I'm obviously worked up about something, and he is cool, calm, and collected with a smile on his face! ha! Love you, JWP!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

P.S.A. - Ebates, do it!

Do you do a lot of online shopping? Do you spend a massive a good amount of money online shopping? If you answered "yes" to these 2 questions, then Ebates is for you! Ebates gives you cash back on your purchases.  Basically it goes a little something like this: (1) go to Ebates and sign up; (2) whenever the mood strikes you to do a little online shopping, log on to the Ebates website; (3) search for the chosen store or stores; (4) click on the store link and (5) carry on as you normally would.  Easy, peasy!

FYI: different stores offer different cash back amounts and the home page of Ebates has a section where it tells you the stores that are offering the most cash back that week.  It does not cost anything to join and if you do a lot of online shopping like some of us...ahem, me.....then, it's worth signing up for Ebates.  If you don't, you are basically saying "no" to free money and that's just plain stupid! 

Think of how great it will be to tell the significant other in your life who might think you have an online shopping problem that you are actually getting money back by making purchases....what are you waiting for? Sign up!
You're welcome!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, JWP!

I hope you have a day full of love & happiness!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day DIY Blog Shout Out.

Looking to make a little something for your Valentine or, want to add some "love" around the house? Well, then, check out these cute ideas:

Love, Love, Love all these ideas...I see some crafting in my future this weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

9 months or 268 more days to go...but, who's counting?

 So, I just got an email from The Knot telling me that there's 9 MONTHS TO GO before our wedding is here and providing me with a checklist of all the things I should have done by now...after a couple seconds of sheer panic, I took a deep breath and started looking over the list.  I'm happy to report that because I suffer from OCD am an over achiever, I have everything done that I am suppose to, plus some! HOLLA!

Lately, I've been working on the following:

(1) wedding stationary;
(2) bouquets;
(3) reception centerpieces; and
(4) flower girl baskets and ring pillow

and, I've made a lot of, I'm feeling pretty good right about now! The Knot checklist ain't got nothing on me!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pulled Pork Bites and Beer-garitas? Yes, please.

You all have got to check out the Eat Yourself Skinny! blog - she has amazing recipes that are pretty easy and don't involve a ga-zillion ingredients.  I got the recipes I am sharing in this post from her and they both were tasty and yummy (and JWP approved)!

We took it easy for the Superbowl as I wasn't feeling the best.  However, somehow and even though I was on my death bed (slight exaggeration), I was able to whip up the following: 

BBQ Pork Bites

(mine did not look like this....they didn't have the phyllodough shells, so I had to use the sheets)

Skinny Beer-garitas

(once again, mine did not look exactly like this). 

The beer-garitas are AMAZING!!!! They will be my go-to drink from now on!

What did you guys do for Superbowl? Any recipes to share?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Expanding the menu choices...

Ok, so, if you know me, you know that I'm not the best in the kitchen. I mean, I can follow a recipe and make a meal, but, I'm not good at just whipping things up in the kitchen with stuff I already have.  However, recently, I've come across some reeeeallly tasty dishes that pretty much incorporate things you have in your 'fridge and cabs' (I'm serious!).

Starting at top left and moving clockwise:
  • Mexican casserole (JWP claimed that it was the best meal I've ever made)
  • Mexican casserole
  • Egg cups (hash browns, bacon, cheese, and eggs)
  • Egg cups
  • MJD brushetta (baguette, mozzarella, plum tomatoes, spices, and olive oil - bake for l0-15 mins)
  • Baked chicken (sorry, I only got a picture of the raw chix before) with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots
I'm excited to have 4 more items to add to my MJD Cooking list - hopefully you will add some more to yours as well! Enjoy!
Oh, and one more thing, Organic Coconut Oil is the best 'ish ever! I've been using it for baking and cooking and both JWP and I are in love with it - check it, ASAP!
